Minutes Special Meeting of Council Monday, January 27, 2020

Report Number: SCM 485/2019 & S 230/2019 Clerk's File: MT2019

11.3. Addressing Illegal Dumping - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Bortolin Seconded by: Councillor McKenzie

Decision Number: B8/2020 CR572/2019 ETPS 717

That the report of the City Engineer dated September 5th, 2019 regarding Addressing Illegal Dumping BE RECEIVED for information; and,

That Administration BE REQUESTED to consult with City Councillors regarding key hot spots within their specific wards on strategic issues related to illegal dumping. Carried.

Moved by: Councillor Morrison Seconded by: Councillor Costante

Decision Number: B9/2020

That Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council's consideration related to options for curbside garbage collection instead of alley collection citywide wherever possible. Carried. Councillors Holt and Bortolin voting nay.

Report Number: SCM 399/2019 & S 167/2019 Clerk's File: SW2019

11.4. Alley Lighting Policy - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Holt Seconded by: Councillor Bortolin

Decision Number: B10/2020

That the attached Alley Lighting Policy BE ADOPTED by City Council; and,

That the 2020 annual operating and maintenance fee of $150 per light fixture that will be divided amongst all the properties serviced by the light fixture BE ADDED to the 2020 User Fee Schedule; and,

That administration BE REQUESTED to provide a report to a future meeting of the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee regarding a fee structure framework for maintenance standards for alleys in the City. Carried. Councillor Francis voting nay.