8.18. Closure of the triangular portion of Havens Drive right-of-way, located west of the property known as 613 Havens Drive and abutting Block 63, 12M-364; Declaration that part of the Land Proposed for Closure, along with Block 63, 12M-364, are Surplus and Authority to Offer the surplus lands for Sale; Applicant – City of Windsor Legal Department – Real Estate Services (c/o Chris Carpenter); File No. SAA/5676 Ward 1 (SCM 474/2019) (S 199/2019)

8.19.  Economic Revitalization Community Improvement Plan (CIP) application submitted by Ventra Group Inc./Flex-N-Gate Howard, LLC for 309 Ellis Street East (Ward 3) (SCM 475/2019) (S 191/2019)

8.20. Reconstruction of Sign Structure on Riverside Drive at Caron Ave. SGN 01-19. Ward 3 (SCM 476/2019) (S 193/2019)

8.21.  Downtown Windsor CIP Grant Application under the Commercial/Mixed Use Building Facade Improvement Grant Program made by Craft Heads at 324-328 Pelissier Street, Ward 3 (SCM 477/2019) (S 228/2019)

8.22. Ford City CIP Grant Applications-1053 to 1055 Drouillard Road (SCM 478/2019) (S 206/2019)


8.10. Walker Power Building, 325 Devonshire Road - Request for Heritage Conservation Easement (Ward 4) (SCM 465/2019) (S 177/2019) a) Request dated January 2, 2019 (previously distributed) from the Solicitor representing The Walker Power Building Inc. to defer consideration of this matter to a future meeting of Council to allow further consultation with administration related to details of the agreement.


DELEGATIONS: (5-minute maximum)

8.5.  Navy Memorial- Dieppe Park -Ward 3 (SCM 450/2019) (S 195/2019) a) Ron Sitarz, President of the RCNA; and David Cassivi, member of the RCNA & member of the Naval Monument Committee (available for questions)

8.9. Zoning By-law Amendment - 6550 & 6560 Wyandotte St. E- Management & International Trading Inc. Z017/19 ZNG/5938 - Ward 6 (SCM 464/2019) (S 216/2019) a) Melanie Muir, Dillon Consulting Limited (available for questions)