Moved by Councillor McKenzie, seconded by Councillor Morrison, THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to transmit the recommendation(s) contained in the report(s) discussed at the In-Camera Council Meeting held February 10, 2020 directly to Council for consideration at the next Regular Meeting.

1. That the confidential verbal report from Mayor Dilkens respecting a property matter – disposition of land BE RECEIVED and further that the Mayor BE AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED on the verbal direction of Council.

2. That the confidential verbal report from the City Solicitor respecting a legal matter update BE RECEIVED.

Motion Carried.

Moved by Councillor Costante, seconded by Councillor Gignac, That the special meeting of council held February 10, 2020 BE ADJOURNED. (Time: 3:55 p.m.) Motion Carried.