• WCG, part of the APM Group for Peel. The WCG is a Canadian subsidiary of the APM Group, an Australian private sector company that provides employment, health, and rehabilitation services in 10 countries.

AMO will monitor the situation based on the experience of the first three prototype areas. We will work with the Province and municipal governments to mitigate any negative municipal impacts in the transition to the new model, including in prototype regions and beyond. There will need to be transitional support and change i management for the nine affected municipal governments.

This activity is in addition to other provincial announcements that may result in significant restructuring and labour relations challenges for municipal governments, : including the potential restructuring of public health.

In the lead-up to the competitive process, AMO raised concerns about the fiscal, · programmatic, accountability, and labour relations impacts of this fundamental change to the delivery of services at the community level. There needs to be a seamless transition for clients regardless of who is chosen as the employment service system . manager in a given region. The successful proponents must serve vulnerable · residents, including those who are far from entering the labour market and in need of additional supports. As well, the new service system managers must actively engage . all municipal governments in their regions about local labour force development.