
Item No. 7.1

Correspondence Report: CMC 4/2020


Subject: Correspondence for Monday, February 24, 2020

No. Sender Subject
7.1.1 Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services Survey to inform the development of Ontario’s next Poverty Reduction Strategy is available until March 30, 2020 Community Development and Health Commissioner City Solicitor City Planner GP2020 Note & File
7.1.2 Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) compliance results for 2019
City Solicitor Fire Chief GP2020 Note & File
7.1.3 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Employment Services Prototype Service Managers:No Municipal Applicants Selected - Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development to prototype its new service delivery model for employment services City Treasurer Community Development and Health Commissioner Executive Director of Human Resources MMA2020 Note & File