Reference Plan, excluding Blocks 35 & 36 on Map No. SDN-003/19-1, from Development Reserve District 1.1 (DRD1.1) to Residential District 2.1 (RD2.1) with a holding prefix.

IV THAT the holding (H) symbol BE REMOVED when the applicant/owner submits an application to remove the 'H' symbol and the following conditions are satisfied: a) The Owner(s) apply to remove the hold provision; and b) Registration of a Final Plan of Subdivision.

V That the application of VGA Investment Inc. for Draft Plan of Subdivision approval for Part of Lot 138, Concession 1, as in R1158427 save and except Part 1, Plan 12R-22261, along with the abutting north/south alley to be closed and acquired and be further described in a Reference Plan, BE APPROVED subject to the following conditions:

A. That the Draft Plan Approval shall lapse on February 3, 2023 (3 years from the date of approval);

B. That this approval applies to the draft plan of subdivision presented on attached Map No. SDN-003/19-1, prepared by VERHAEGEN Land Surveyors for VGA Investment Inc., Reference No. 19-47-421-00, dated December 10, 2019, showing 19 Lots for single unit dwellings, 15 blocks for semi-detached dwellings, lands to be conveyed for parkland (Block 35) and storm water management pond (Block 36), proposed road allowances (Streets A & B) including Florence Avenue extension plus the abutting north/south alley (to be closed and acquired and further described in a Reference Plan);

C. That the owner(s) shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the Corporation of the City of Windsor for the proposed development on the subject land;

D. That, prior to the submission of the final draft M-Plan, the Owner(s) shall, at its expense, apply to close and acquire the existing adjacent north-south alley to increase the width of the proposed Florence Avenue Road allowance to conform to the Official Plan requirements.

E. That prior to the execution and registration of the subdivision agreement between the Owner(s) and the Corporation of the City of Windsor, the Owner(s) shall submit for approval of the City Planner/Executive Director of Planning & Building a final draft MPlan, which shall include the names of all road allowances within the plan, as approved by the Corporation.

F. That the subdivision agreement between the Owner(s) and the Corporation of the City of Windsor be registered on title and shall contain, among other matters, the following provisions: