No. Sender Subject  
7.1.5 Manager of Urban Design Site Plan Approval, Spiro Govas & Ric Albano, 1014 Howard Avenue, proposed increase to existing parking space consisting of an additional 28 parking spaces ZS/13710 Note & File
7.1.6 Manager of Urban Design Site Plan Approval, Ade Development & Leasing Corp., c/o Dino Maggio, 3756 Howard Avenue, residential - 44 semi-detached units ZS/13711 Note & File
7.1.7 Manager of Urban Design Site Plan Approval, Casilco Corporation and Tibi Incorporated, 4550 Rhodes Drive, proposed new business office & professional studio ZS/13712 Note & File
7.1.8 Committee of Adjustment/Consent Authority Applications to be heard by the Committee of Adjustment/Consent Authority, Thursday, February 6, 2020, 3:30 p.m., Room 204, 2nd floor, Windsor City Hall, 350 City Hall Square West ZC2020 Note & File


Report Number: CMC 3/2020

7.2. Time Spent in Open and In-Camera Council Meetings and Committee Meetings for the period of January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019

Moved by: Councillor Morrison Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: CR46/2020 That the report of the City Clerk dated January 9, 2020 respecting "Time Spent in Open and In Camera Council Meetings and Standing Committee Meetings for the period of the January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019" BE RECEIVED for information. Carried.

Report Number: CM 1/2020 Clerk's File: ACO/9512

7.3. Performance of Advisory Committees for 2019

Moved by: Councillor Morrison Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman