Outstanding Council Directives Tracking Log


Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

March 25, 2019


SCM 76/2019 & S 24/2019

City Solicitor
That the report of the Emergency Planning Officer dated November 9, 2018 entitled CQ-35-2017 Enhancing Response to Vulnerable Populations during Emergencies  BE RECEIVED for information; and further,That Administration  BE DIRECTED to prepare a report for Council’s consideration on options on a go-forward basis in terms of socially vulnerable populations for communication purposes as communications with this group can be difficult due to limited mass media use.  

April 1, 2019


C 226/2018

City Treasurer
That City Council  RECEIVE the 2019 Capital Budget 7-Year Plan documents reflective of approx. $845.104 M in total funding; and...
That Administration  BE DIRECTED to  REPORT BACK to Council regarding the infrastructure deficit and a high-level plan to address it; and,
As amended a total of $240,000 from the 2019 Grant Matching and Inflationary Pressures project (FIN-001-19) be reallocated to: Capitol Theatre Capital Improvements (ENG-010-17) in the amount of $40,000 for the new Marquee sign and Pedestrian Crossing (OPS-001-19) in the amount of $200,000 for priority pedestrian crossings as identified in agenda Item 11.14.

April 1, 2019


C 188/2018

City Engineer
That Council  FORMALLY REQUEST the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario for permission to divest of the City-owned shore wall along Lake St. Clair; and,
That Administration  FURTHER REPORT BACK with respect to the question regarding possible transfer ownership of shore walls and associated land; and...