Meeting Date Motion/ Resolution Report Number CLT Member/ Executive Director Action Status

May 16, 2016


S 76/2016

Chief Financial Officer
THAT City Council  AUTHORIZE the CFO/City Treasurer (or delegate) to sign Minutes of Settlement as it relates to the Centralized Property Appeals.THAT the CFO/City Treasurer (or delegate)  BE REQUIRED to report the results of the Minutes of Settlement to City Council once all appeals have been finalized.
Ongoing as required

June 7, 2016


C 83/2016

Chief Administrative Officer
...THAT Council  APPROVE the establishment of a capital reserve fund dedicated to the minor and major overhauls of the CHP systems for the WFCU Centre and Huron Lodge funded by an annual transfer from operating budget savings in the amount of $60,000 and $30,000 respectively; and
That Council  APPROVE the establishment of a capital improvement reserve fund for the WFCU Centre funded by an annual transfer from operating budget savings in amount of $50,000; and
That Council  DIRECT Administration to report back annually as to the ongoing financial and operational progress of the two CHP systems; and
That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk  BE AUTHORIZED to sign, as may be required, agreements and contracts with Provincial Governments and its affiliated agencies as well as EnWin Utilities; such documents to be satisfactory in form to the City Solicitor; in technical content to the Senior Manager of Asset Planning; and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer.


August 2, 2016
CR483/2016 Clause II
S 113/2016

City Planner
II. THAT the City Planner  BE DIRECTED to conduct a study of the area affected by Special Zoning Provision s.20(1)50 of By-law 8600 and prepare a Planning Report for Council’s consideration.