1. Site plan approval is a type of development control exercised in the City of Windsor where Council or their delegated Planning Official approves site plans and elevation drawings for a proposed development prior to the issuance of a building permit.

2. For purposes of site plan approval, development is defined in By-law #1 2004 as:

"Development means the construction, erection or placing of one or more buildings or structures on land or the making of an addition or alteration to a building or structure that has the effect of substantially increasing the size or usability thereof, or the laying out and establishment of a commercial parking lot."

" Questions on what constitutes a development requiring site plan approval should be directed to Planning Department at (519) 255-6543.

3. Council by By-law #1 2004 has exempted certain classes of development from the requirement for site plan approval including:

"Single detached, semi-detached, duplex and double-duplex dwellings; small commercial and combined commercial-residential buildings and additions; small industrial and institutional buildings and additions; alterations within an existing building; temporary buildings and structures; building features and mechanical elements; parking areas containing less than 5 spaces; and signs."

4. For the purpose of processing, the Site Plan Approval Officer will classify each application for site plan approval as follows:

"Minor" development is defined as: i. Construction of a new stand alone building or a building addition resulting in a maximum total gross floor area of 300 square metres (3,229 square feet) or less on-site; or ii. Changing the use of an existing building requiring revisions to facade only; or iii. Creation of a parking area with more than 5 and less than 25 parking spaces (total) on-site or reconfiguration of an existing parking area resulting in more than 5 and less than 25 (total) spaces.

"Standard" development is defined as: i. Construction of a new building or a building addition resulting in a total gross floor area of between 301 square metres (3,240 square feet) and 9,999 square metres (107,632 square feet) on-site. This includes single or multiple phase development; or ii. Creation of a parking area with more than 25 parking spaces (total) on-site or reconfiguration of an existing parking area resulting in more than 25 (total) spaces.

"Major" development is defined as: i. Construction of a new building or a building addition resulting in a minimum total gross floor area of 10,000 square metres (107,639 square feet) on-site. This includes single or multiple phase development."

The application will be processed by Planning Department, reviewed by the Site Plan Approval Officer and forwarded to the applicable approval authority for a decision. (See also Appendix C).

After confirmation from the Site Plan Approval Officer or designate, that the proposal is a "Minor Development" as defined in By-law #1 2004.

5. Council has delegated its site plan approval authority to the delegated officials except in the locations listed below:

Where Council is the site plan approval authority, Planning Department will prepare and forward a report to Council for a decision.

6. As a condition of site plan approval, the owner of the land is required to develop in accordance with the approved plan(s) and to provide required facilities, such as landscaping, lighting, fencing, curbing, road widening, at his/her expense. Bonds or letters of credit are normally required to guarantee the installation and maintenance of required facilities. The requirements are normally provided for in a site plan agreement registered 011 the title of the property. In some instances, the decision of the delegated official or resolution of Council will be sufficient without an agreement.