
Additional details relating to the application can be found at the Enviromnental Bill of Rights Environmental Registry at

It is requested that the City of Windsor and County of Essex make comments with respect to the application including a confirmation of whether the property is appropriately zoned for the proposed use. Please ensure the repo1t is signed and dated by the Commissioner of Planning or the Commissioner of.Works, or their respective equivalent. Please respond to the attention of Mohsen Keyvani, P. Eng., Supervisor/Part V Director, Waste Approvals, Environmental Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks at the above address within six weeks of the date ofthis letter. If no response is received by this date, we will assume that you have no objections to the issuance of the Environmental Compliance Approval.

Should you require further details of the site's operation, including copies of the Site Plan drawings that were included with the application, please contact Ray Tremblay, President, 1775857 Ontario Inc. at (519)250-7100.

As you are aware, the Director has the discretion under section 20.15(1), Part II.I of the Enviromnental Protection Act (EPA) to hold a public hearing regarding applications for Enviromnental Compliance Approvals. Municipalities or affected members of the public have the right to request that the Director consider calling a hearing with respect to any application submitted underlait V of the EPA. Any submissions in this regard must be accompanied by valid r~as0~~ ·w~d11\wpoiting technical justification.