5. There shall be imposed on all taxes a penalty for non-payment or late payment of taxes in default of the instalment dates set out below. As provided for under subsection 345(2) of the Act, penalties are assessed at a rate of one and one-quarter per cent (1¼%) against any amount of taxes that remain unpaid on the day following the day that they are due.

6. As provided for under subsection 345(3) of the Act, interest shall begin to accrue at a rate of one and one-quarter per cent (1¼%) each month against any amount of taxes that remain unpaid on the day following the day that they are due.

7. Charges imposed under sections 5 and 6 are deemed to be part of the taxes on which the charges have been imposed.

8. (1) The interim tax levy imposed by this by-law shall be paid in three instalments due on the following dates:

(2) For taxpayers who have requested to be enrolled in the Corporation's Mid-Month- 10-month monthly pre-authorized tax payment plan, under Section 342(1) paragraph (b), the interim tax levy imposed by this by-law shall be paid in 5 equal instalments due on the following dates:

(3) For taxpayers who have requested to be enrolled in the Corporation's End of Month- 10month monthly pre-authorized tax payment plan, under Section 342(1) paragraph (b), the interim tax levy imposed by this by-law shall be paid in 5 equal instalments due on the following dates:

9. (1) A notice specifying the amount of taxes payable may be mailed or caused to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person taxed under this by-law.

(2) The notice to be mailed under this by-law shall contain the particulars provided for in this by-law and the information required, to be entered in the Tax Roll under section 340 of the Act.

10. The subsequent levy for the year 2020 to be made under the Act shall be reduced by the amount to be raised by the levy imposed by this by-law.

11. The provisions of s. 317 of the Act, apply to this by-law with necessary modifications.

12. The Treasurer shall be authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due, and to give a receipt of such part