There have been ongoing discussions regarding the renewal of the licence agreement since that time although the agreement has not been renewed. Despite this, the arrangements described in the agreement have continued.

In 2008, Museum Windsor transferred from the WPL to the City of Windsor.

On February 23, 2011, Les Amis Duff-Baby (LADB) requested that City Council support a new agreement for access to the DBH and/or the Interpretation Centre. They asked that Administration be directed to be part of the discussions, and to enhance the Corporation's existing lease and use agreement with the OHT and for use of the Dining Room and Trading Hall at the DBH. Council approved this request as per M58-2011.


There were sporadic discussions from the period of 2011 to 2015. During this time, the Culture area retained a consultant to develop a Feasibility Study on a new museum for Windsor, including the concept of a "Hub and Spoke" model of museum service in the community. The consultants identified the Duff Baby House as a potential spoke for local heritage.

In July of 2016, discussions were held between the OHT and City Administration (Legal, Real Estate, Facilities, and Cultural Affairs/Museum Windsor). The call was to discuss an opportunity for the City of Windsor to lease a portion of the DBH from the OHT. Infrastructure Ontario is the Trust's tenant and until 2016, Infrastructure Ontario leased the house. In 2017, the lease with OHT and Infrastructure Ontario was amended to include only the second floor of the house.

Administration had further questions regarding the frequencies and expectations the OHT had around service levels. In addition to developing a full service costing for ongoing maintenance of the facility, administration also developed a list of potential costs to operate the site for tours and visitors should such an agreement be made.

In January of 2017, further discussions were held with new management at OHT. In May of 2018 an on site meeting was held including the OHT representative, the Curator of Museum Windsor (MW), and with Don Wilson (President, LADB). The discussion included the following: