
Council Report: S 214/2019

Subject: Response to CQ 22-2019 Regarding License Agreement with the Ontario Heritage Trust for use of the Interpretation Centre at the Duff-Baby Mansion and Main Floor at 221 Mill Street - Ward 2


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Recommendation: That the Report submitted by the Manager of Cultural Affairs regarding CQ22-2019 on the License Agreement with the Ontario Heritage Trust for use of the Interpretation Centre at the Duff-Baby Mansion and Main Floor at 221 Mill Street BE RECEIVED for information.

Executive Summary:



The following Council Question was asked at the September 9, 2019 meeting of City Council:

CQ 22-2019: Asks that, as you may recall, at the April 15 Council Meeting (Council Communication), there was a request by Les Amis Duff-Baby for an update concerning Motion 58-2011 on the progress of the license agreement with the owner (Ontario Heritage Trust), for the use of the Interpretation Centre and expanded use of the Dining Room and Trading Hall in the Duff-Bâby Mansion at 221 Mill Street. A motion asking for a report back was tabled and passed.