
Council Report: S 206/2019

Subject: Ford City CIP Grant Applications-1053 to 1055 Drouillard Road


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. THAT, the request for incentives under the Ford City CIP Financial Incentive Programs made by Marina Juliana and Andrea Rino James Maffessanti, owners of the property located at 1053-1055 Drouillard Road BE APPROVED, for the following incentive programs:

II. THAT, subject to completion and review satisfactory to the City Planner, the request made by Marina Juliana and Andrea Rino James Maffessanti, owner of the property located at 1053-1055 Drouillard Road, BE APPROVED for grants totalling a maximum of $30,000 in principle under the Building Facade Improvement Program and Urban Design Guidelines for Main Streets Community Improvement Plan;

III. THAT should the renovations result in an increased assessment which would make this application eligible for a property tax increment grant, Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare the agreement between the City and Marina Juliana and Andrea Rino James Maffessanti to implement the Building/Property