IV. THAT The City Planner BE REQUESTED to supply the appropriate legal description, in accordance with Drawing Number. CC-1750, attached as Appendix "A".

V. THAT The City Solicitor BE REQUESTED to prepare the necessary by-law(s).

VI. THAT The Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign all necessary documents approved as to form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

VII. THAT the matter BE COMPLETED electronically pursuant to By-law Number 366-2003.

Executive Summary:



Olivia Construction Homes Inc., former owner of the properties known as 1952 Longfellow Avenue through 2000 Longfellow Avenue, applied to close that portion of the 4.57 metres wide north/south alley located on the north side of Calumet Street, between Longfellow Avenue and Alexandra Avenue, shown on Drawing No. CC-1750, attached as Appendix "A". The properties have since been developed and sold to new owners with an agreement that Olivia Construction Homes Inc. would apply to close the alley and assume costs for closure of the alley. The building permits for the subject properties were reviewed to confirm that the Zoning By-law 8600 requirements are met in case that the alley does not get closed, conveyed and purchased by the properties formerly owned by Olivia Construction Homes.

The surface of the alley is composed of grass and does not appear to be travelled by vehicles except for vehicle parking at the commercial business at 1801 South Cameron Blvd. There are existing encroachments on the subject alley.

The applicant has made application to close the alley with the intent of increasing property sizes.


Planning Department's analysis of the requested alley closures:

The first test is to determine whether the subject alley is dispensable. To make such determination the guideline attached herein as Appendix "E" would be relevant as shown below:

a. Does the subject alley serve commercial properties? The answer is YES.