
Photographer: Bates Littlehales

Goose Biology Calendar:

The eggs typically take about a month to incubate. The pre-goslings peck at their shells with the 'egg tooth' found at the end of their bill. It takes 1 to 2 days for them to free themselves from the egg. The newly hatched goslings are able to swim immediately. The adults accompany the goslings during their swims. Goslings can dive and swim for 30-40 feet underwater and they eat almost continuously to attain growth for the first migration flight.

After the goslings have hatched, the family moves away from the nesting site on foot toward more favorable feeding areas. Five weeks after the goslings hatch, the females begin moulting (the males begin right after mating). During this time, the adults are unable to fly. The adults regrow their flight feathers and are ready to fly at about the same time as the goslings are able to learn - at nine weeks old.

We typically expect in autumn, as soon as the young are strong enough, geese begin their migration south. In Southwestern Ontario the number of Canada Geese choosing to overwinter on the lower Great Lakes is increasing. Warmer winters, less ice cover and low snow cover allowing access to the ground where turf and seeds can be found allow many to stay. This again supports rapid repopulation of urban ponds and parks and with very little winter or migration mortality to keep the population in check