Canada Goose FACT SHEET


Used with pennission. © Leanne Guenther

Description -Adults: Canada Geese are large birds, 20 to 50 inches long with a wingspan of 50-68 inches. The male (gander) is often larger than the females

Canada Geese are most easily identified by their long black neck, with a black head, crown and bill. They have a contrasting white cheek and throat area. Their undertail coverts are white. Their back, upper wings and flank are dark brown with a lighter brown (sometimes, nearly white) breast and belly. They have a short black tail and black legs with black webbed feet.

Description - Young: Newly hatched Canada Geese look much like ducklings with yellow and gray feathers and a dark bill. They are called goslings. Within a week they grow to be rather awkward-looking, fuzzy gray birds. By nine to ten weeks old, they've grown their flight feathers and look like slightly smaller versions of the adult.