
As noted in the background section of this report, a significant portion of the draft plan has already been registered and developed, but there is a remnant portion (approximately 3.74 ha in size) that requires extension of the draft approval. Considering the current economic realities, the developer is requesting an extension of draft approval for an additional three years to provide additional time for the provision of future servicing and development of these lands. No changes to the street pattern or zoning of the subject lands are being proposed.

The applicant's agent states as follows: "It was always known that the East Riverside development would be a 20 - 30 year project before final build out. Most recently we completed servicing the remaining lands north of Firgrove Avenue, namely Clearwater Avenue and Barkley Avenue. Servicing has recently commenced on Clearwater Avenue on those lands south of McHugh Street and a 12M-Plan will be registered in the near future."

With respect to the authority for the requested extension, subsection 51(33) of the Planning Act states the following: "The approval authority may extend the approval for a time period specified by the approval authority and may further extend it but no extension is permissible if the approval lapses before the extension is given. 1994, c. 23, s. 30."

January 24, 2020 is the current expiry date for the draft approval. If the expiration date is not extended before the expiry date, then the draft plan of subdivision will lapse under the provisions of the Planning Act. Once Draft Plan Approval lapses, applicants are required to submit a new application for approval by City Council.

Based on a review of the application, as well as the feedback from municipal departments and external agencies consulted, staff have determined that there has been no substantial changes to Provincial or Municipal Policy that would require an amendment of the Draft Plan; therefore, the requested extension is supported by the Planning Department.

Risk Analysis:


Financial Matters:




Municipal departments, service units and external agencies were consulted and feedback received confirms that there are no concerns with the requested extension of the draft approval.