Council Report: S 219/2019

Subject: Request for Extension Draft Approval for Plan of Subdivision for lands located west of Magnolia Avenue, from Firgrove Drive to McHugh Street, as shown on the Location Map below; File No. SDN005/19 [SDN/5944]; Applicant - 2595562 Ontario Limited, o/a Fanelli Real Estate; Ward 7


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I THAT the application of 2595562 Ontario Limited, O/A Fanelli Real Estate for the extension of the Draft Approval of the Plan of Subdivision for the lands located west of Magnolia Avenue between Firgrove Drive and McHugh Street, as shown on Map No. SDN-005/19-1 (enclosed) BE APPROVED and, further, that the Draft Plan Approval Extension shall lapse on ____________ (3 years from the date of approval).

Executive Summary:



On January 24, 2000, City Council adopted CR81/2000 for approval of the application made by 882885 Ontario Limited for a draft plan of subdivision approval (Z-094/99-3) for Part of Farm Lots 135 to 141, Concession 1. The subject parcel of land is in the East Riverside Planning Area and is located west of Luxury Avenue, south of Little River Boulevard, and includes Clover Avenue and the first three streets to the east and west of Clover Avenue. The approval had an expiry date of January 24, 2005.