Since the 2003 approval, the draft plan has undergone a series of amendments and extensions. Below are the two most recent extensions of the draft approval of the subject lands:

On November 26, 2013, a request for extension of the draft approval of the plan of subdivision (SDN-002/03) was granted. The approval was given before the January 24, 2014 expiry date for the draft plan. The approval was in accordance with section 51(33) of the Planning Act and By-law 139-2013 (delegation of authority). The draft approval was extended for 3 years with a new expiry date of January 24, 2017.

On November 22, 2016, a second request for extension of draft approval of the plan of subdivision (SDN-002/03) was granted. The approval was given before the January 24, 2017 expiry date for the draft plan. The approval was in accordance with section 51(33) of the Planning Act and By-law 139-2013 (delegation of authority). There was another 3year extension with an expiry date of January 24, 2020.

It should be noted that a number of final plans of subdivision have been registered on parts of the subject parcel since the lands were first approved in 2003. The remaining 10.33ha portion, which is the subject of this request for extension of draft plan approval, remains the only portion yet to be registered.

Under the provisions of the Delegation of Authority By-law, a maximum of two requests for extension of draft approval can be granted.

Since two requests for extensions of draft approval have already been granted for the same plan of subdivision a third extension cannot be granted under the policies of the Delegation of Authority By-law. For this reason, an application has been submitted for extension of draft approval under a new file number, SDN-004/19 [SDN/5941].


(see map on the next page)