Project #1 Design and Upgrading of Transit Terminals
Project ID ICIP-WIN-07
Project Scope Project Focus
The purchase of a min of 100 new shelters to increase coverage for customers. The upgraded Transit Terminals will include facilities such as accessible bus stop upgrades, upgrading of shelter canopies, pads, lighting, benches, new refuse/garbage bins and signage. Transit is also investigating bicycle facilities in the transit terminal facilities ( share programs and/or bike racks) to promote linking transit bus routes to the proposed new bike network under the Active Transportation Plan. Transit Windsor will constantly and continuously need to upgrade existing bus stop shelters, pads, benches, and signage. Transit Windsor will also improve accessibility at bus stops and explore the potential for provision of bicycle facilities at stops. Transit Stations will require facilities to accommodate a larger number of waiting passengers at a given time.
Transit Windsor is currently in the final stages of finalizing its Service Delivery Review (SDR).Transit Windsor anticipates that the outcome of the SDR will be the approval and implementation of new routes and expanded service.
The total budget for this project is $2.5 million, including pending grant approval under the ICIP program and required municipal contribution which has already been allocated in the current capital budget.
Project #2 Replacement of existing rolling stock vehicles (16 buses) and purchase ofnew vehicles (3 buses) for expansion in system
Project ID ICIP-WIN-06
Project Scope Project Focus
The purchase of 16 new buses to replace existing fleet stock and the purchase of 3 new buses to address system expansion needs. Internal benefits include financial cost savings and operational improvements. The Transit Windsor Life Cycle Costing report presented to City Council in 2015 identified the need to reduce the overall average age of the fleet to 12 years. This in turn would reduce operational and maintenance cost as well as improve their ability to meet street demands. The Public Transit Infrastructure Funding provided for 24 new buses covering the first 3 years of the replacement plan. Transit Windsor was currently planning to order an additional 8 buses in both