during implementation. A full-time trainer also is requested to help with current staffing needs and initiate customer service training such as the Transit Ambassador program as noted in the Plan. Administration also recommends keeping the revenue surplus to a maximum of $250,000 from 2019 to allow for a garage facility study as well as terminal studies to be funded. This is a critical part of the plan as we are over capacity for storage and maintenance. The lack of attention to the garage will jeopardize implementing the plan due to lack of space and equipment to maintain the existing and growing fleet. Terminals need to be expanded in order to accommodate additional routes, which need to be addressed. Increasing service hours in the plan lines up with increasing Sunday service hours in 2020. Along with the full-time trainer, these requests allow us to assist with moving forward with preparation for year 1 (2021) implementation.

Items for implementation in year 1 (2021) are to move forward on results and decision from a garage study and terminal studies, move forward on results and decision on branding study, begin implementing new customer service communication tools such as a new website and social media programs, increase staffing levels to support the implementation of the plan, implement Route 18 (expressway) along with straightening out the Transway 1C in preparation for those changes and prepare for year 2 (2022) infrastructure needs. ICIP intake 2 will identify all major capital needs to move forward in years 2022 to 2028 on such capital needs as replacement and growth buses, facility needs, and to begin work on terminal expansions in order to fully implement the plan.

Operating needs for Year 1 (2021) for staffing levels and Route 18 implementation will be brought forward in the 2021 Operating Budget deliberations.

As with any Master Plan, it is imperative that the More than Transit Master Plan integrates with other City approved plans like the Active Transportation Plan and the Community Energy Plan. Coordinated efforts with other key departments will achieve the goals of multiple corporate plans.

The "More Than Transit" Master Plan supports the Community Energy Plan's Strategy #9 to Encourage a Modal Shift towards Public Transit. It is estimated that for every passenger kilometer that switches from single person occupied car to bus, the emissions can drop by a factor of three. Increasing ridership and improving efficiency of buses can further improve the emissions reduction potential.

Risk Analysis:

Transit systems should conduct a service review every 5 years as per industry best practices. The Transit Master Plan becomes the guiding roadmap to address current needs and growth. The intention of this plan is to lead Transit Windsor in a direction that is user-focused, that offers transit service on par with the expectations of modern mobility, and that supports liveable communities.

If the Transit Master Plan is not implemented, Transit Windsor will continue to be behind in the services we provide in our community. The issues Transit Windsor is facing today would continue to grow and a loss of ridership and revenue could decrease without improvements.