At the October 7 2019 City Council meeting the following motion was made:

Decision Number: CR524/2019 ETPS 701

That Administration BE REQUESTED to provide two reports to Council for consideration related to funding for this eco-passage (background report SCM 352/2019 attached) at the same time as consideration of CR463/2019: That administration BE DIRECTED to develop a capital project proposal to address road mortality through the Ojibway corridor for consideration for Council's consideration in the 2020 capital budget, along with funding opportunities provincially, federally and from the Town of LaSalle is brought forward to Council.


4) September 19, 2019 – Report 105 of the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee

Moved by Councillor McKenzie, seconded by K. Banar,

That the following Climate Change Emergency Declaration prepared by the Air Subcommittee of the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee BE APPROVED:

WHEREAS the most recent report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change (IPCC) has indicated that within less than 12 years, in order to keep the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius and maintain a climate compatible with human civilization, there must be a reduction in carbon emissions of about 45% from 2010 levels, reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050; and

WHEREAS based on current projections of the future impacts of human caused climate change, climate change will adversely impact Windsor-Essex's local economy, damage local infrastructure and property, put a strain on municipal budgets and result in significant economic and health burdens for the constituents of Windsor-Essex, particularly our vulnerable populations; and