Regular Board Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2019

have paid to have boxboard removed and that the Authority has been able to avoid paying for material to be removed.

Mr. Meloche asked if a discount rate is charged for contaminated soil. The Manager of Finance and Administration stated that historically the Authority charged $30/tonne but increased the tipping fee to $35/tonne in July 2019. She stated that it would be a challenge to charge the landfill gate rate of $59/tonne rate for local construction projects. Mr. Meloche stated it does not make sense to give a discount then incur increased expenses. The Manager of Finance and Administration stated that at $35/tonne the Authority is still generating a net revenue even when considering additional expenses such as compensation to the Town of Essex. The Authority has another fee, a $31/tonne, which is even lower than the contaminated soil fee of $35/tonne. The $31/tonne fee applies to haulers who will deliver a minimum of 30,000 tonnes of refuse under a signed contract. At this $31/tonne the Authority does earn a net revenue as well..

Mr. Meloche asked how much contaminated soil is too much. The Finance Manager responded that although 2019 has seen a high amount of contaminated soil delivered (78,000 tonnes to June 2019), most years much less is delivered, e.g. 2017 – 22,000 tonnes and 2018 – 20,000 tonnes. The Manager of Waste Disposal also described the landfilling methods used to dispose of soil where the material is mixed with other waste and material is not concentrated in one area.

Mr. McKenzie questioned the current state of the recycling market. The Manager of Waste Diversion stated the market information states the fibre market should be leveling off in the fall. However, the market for containers is projected to decline further. She stated that the Authority is following the Ontario market trends. She stated although prices are lower than what was budgeted revenue is above other Ontario municipalities. She stated that each commodity is different and the Authority continues to spot market when selling recyclable material in order to generate the best revenue possible.

Seconded by Gary Kaschak THAT the Board receive the January to June 2019 – Six Month Financial Review Report as information.

- Carried Unanimously 55-2019

B. Regional Landfill Cell 3 South – Construction Costs

The Manager of Finance and Administration referred to page 32 of the agenda package. The final cost of the Cell 3 South Construction was $9,678,367 which includes construction and engineering costs. The construction portion of the project totaled