Regular Board Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2019

Material Recovery Facilities located in Windsor. Therefore, another contract will need to be executed with WDS or another service provider to cover the period December 1, 2020 until a producer transition date is determined.


Producers prepare to assume responsibility for the blue box.


Ontario provincial and municipal elections will be held in 2022.


Contract termination date of August 27, 2024 between the City of Windsor and Green for Life pertaining to the collection of blue boxes in the City of Windsor.


Producers assume full cost of blue box recycling programs across Ontario.

Mr. McNamara asked who will be responsible for a new school that is built if existing schools, residential and commercial properties are grandfathered. The General Manager stated that the Advisor is saying that the producers should be responsible. Mr. McNamara stated the Province should be proactive now instead of later. Mr. McNamara stated there are a lot of gray areas to the process. The General Manager stated that the process is set up in consultation stages. Mr. McNamara stated that AMO has also been heavily involved.

Mr. Kaschak stated he likes the concept of producer responsibility. He asked if there is a template can be followed and if this is already being done in another area in North America. The General Manager stated that it is being done in British Columbia.

Mr. McKenzie stated he is looking forward to seeing improvements with the recycling process. Mr. McKenzie asked if costs to the Authority are eliminated, what the potential opportunities are for EWSWA with the savings. The General Manager stated that the province wants the transition to be very seamless and go unnoticed by residents. Residents should not notice any changes. The province wants more items to be recycled. The province does not want a disruption in the service provided. Mr. McKenzie asked if the Authority divests the costs will there be greater revenue. The General Manager responded that since municipal blue box programs through-out Ontario operate at a net cost and not at a profit that producers will assume the cost of delivering the programs and as part of that producers will market the sale of the recyclables in order to offset the cost as much as possible. Therefore, municipalities will have no cost and municipalities will have no related revenue either. Mr. McKenzie asked if the producers would contract EWSWA. The General Manager stated the producers might contract EWSWA regarding the collection of recyclables but possibly not the processing. The General Manager stated that the Authority could potentially bid on the processing of recyclables. These will all be part of future decisions once it is known how producers will wish to manage the transition.