Regular Board Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2019

C. EWSWA Administration Appearing Before Town of Essex Council on Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The General Manager reported that Authority Administration staff appeared before Town of Essex Council on August 6, 2019 upon the request from the Town of Essex. The request was prompted by questions regarding the Landfill Operations Report at a Town of Essex Council meeting that their Administration could not answer. The General Manager, along with the Manager of Finance and Administration and the Waste Disposal Manager attended the meeting.

The General Manager referred to page 17 of the agenda package which outlines the items that were talked about at the Town of Essex Council meeting. The General Manager stated it was very productive from both sides and that Authority Administration were able to answer the Town's questions.

Mr. McNamara stated that they were very good questions. Mr. McNamara requested that a report be provided to the Board that elaborated on the questions. The General Manager stated that a report will be provided at the next Board meeting.

Seconded by Gary Kaschak THAT the Board receive the EWSWA Administration Appearing Before Town of Essex Council on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 Report as information.

- Carried Unanimously 52-2019

8. Waste Diversion

A. Material Recovery Facility Tour – Friday, October 18, 2019

The Manager of Waste Diversion stated an event has been scheduled for October 18, 2019 to celebrate EWSWA's 25 year anniversary. This event will be a small quaint and garbage free gathering. A private tour of the Material Recovery Facility will be provided to the members of the Board. The event will be held at the Public Drop Off Depot located at North Service Road in Windsor. The event will also kick-off National Waste Reduction Week which begins the following week (October 21-27, 2019).

Seconded by Gary McNamara THAT the Board receive the EWSWA's 25 Year Anniversary Celebration Report (Material Recovery Facility Tour) as information.

- Carried Unanimously 53-2019