Regular Board Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2019

3. Approval of the Minutes

A. July 10, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes

- Carried Unanimously 49-2019

4. Business Arising from the Minutes

No other items were raised for discussion.

5.  Correspondence

There are no items for discussion.

6.  Delegations

There are no delegations.

7. Waste Disposal

A. Regional Landfill Tour – Thursday, September 19, 2019 3:30 pm – Verbal Report

The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that a tour of the Regional Landfill is scheduled for September 19, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. A bus has been reserved to take attendees around the landfill. The Manager of Waste Disposal extended an invitation to the Board members who are unable to make the September 19th date to schedule a tour with him at a later date.

Mr. McKenzie asked how long the tour would take. The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that the tour will take 1 to 1 ½ hours.

Mr. Meloche asked if anything has changed since the last time he toured the landfill. The Manager of Waste Disposal stated that the landfill is a very dynamic site and processes are always changing.

Moved by Leo Melcohe Seconded by Gary Kaschak THAT the Board receive the Regional Landfill Tour – Verbal Report as information.

- Carried Unanimously 50-2019