As per the Act, the City of Windsor, its local boards and its municipally-controlled corporations and grant recipients shall give the AG, such information regarding their powers, duties, activities, organization, financial transactions and methods of business as the AG believes to be necessary to perform their duties.

As per the Act, the AG is entitled to have free access to all books, accounts, financial records, electronic data processing records, reports, files and all other papers, things or property belonging to or used by the municipality, its local boards, the municipally-controlled corporations or the grant recipient, as the case may be, that the AG believes to be necessary to perform their duties.

For the purpose of this Charter, affiliates of the City of Windsor include, but are not limited to, service providers, subcontractors, consultants or any other party performing work, whereby the City of Windsor has an oversight role.

The AG shall have access to any functions, meetings, records, physical property, and personnel required to carry out its responsibilities. The AG shall handle confidential information by adhering to the same restrictions that apply to the department that manages it.

The AG will have full and free access to the CSSC and City Council.

The Mayor and City Councillors, City of Windsor management and staff shall provide full cooperation, access to records, explanations, assistance, and general facilitation to complete audit endeavours.

The AG shall have the authority to stop, delay or postpone active/ongoing or planned work in order to redirect efforts to conduct projects and analysis when a complaint/allegation is lodged which may have merit. Any such changes will be reported to City Council for approval of the Audit

The Corporation of the City of Windsor