could or has occurred, the determination of whether further action is required, and the recommendation of investigations where appropriate.

 To provide for the organizational independence of the audit function, the AG will report functionally to the CSSC with administrative coordination provided by the CAO, or designate, to support the AG role.

The proposed Auditor General Charter is attached as appendix "A".

Risk Analysis:

Annual audit plans will be developed by the Auditor General based on a prioritization of the audit universe using a risk-based methodology. In independently developing the audit plans, the AG will consider input from the Mayor, Councillors, the Corporate Leadership Team, senior management and other identified City of Windsor staff.

Financial Matters:

The fees for the five-year extension will be $300,000 annually for the five year term, and is currently included in the approved operating budget. As per the terms of the current engagement letter, PwC shall bill the City for internal audit work performed once per quarter with the final billing upon completion of the annual audit plan. Any additional monies required will be brought forward to City Council for approval when and if necessary.



The amendment to the engagement letter with PwC will integrate the services of an Auditor General and designate Christopher O'Connor, Partner with PwC, as the Auditor General and partner responsible for the services provided to the City for an additional five years ending in March of 2025.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Marco Aquino Executive Initiatives Coordinator
Shelby Askin-Hager City Solicitor
Joe Mancina Chief Financial Officer & City Treasurer