
Item No. 8.2

Council Report: C 193/2019

Subject: Auditor General Charter - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council APPROVE the Auditor General Charter (attached as Appendix A); and,

THAT the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign amendments to the City's existing Engagement Letter with PwC in order to reflect the required changes relative to the engagement of PwC as the City's Outsourced Auditor General service provider through to March 31, 2025, satisfactory in technical content to the CAO, in financial content to the CFO & City Treasurer, and in legal form to the City Solicitor; and,

THAT City Council DIRECT the CAO to work with the Auditor General to ensure that the Auditor General Charter is implemented.

Executive Summary:



At its meeting of February 4, 2019, Council approved CR42/2019 authorizing a response to the following Council Question:

CQ 2-2019:

"Asks that Administration produce a written report to council in a timely manner, providing information and timelines on the various options for the establishment of an Independent Auditor General, providing value for money and financial