Friday Februaryry 15, 2019

Additional Information Feb 20, 2019, Item 8.4 & 8.5

Dear Chairperson and Members of the Environment, Transportatition and Publilic Safefety Standing Committee of Council:

Re: Item 8.5 of the Februruary 20, 2019 Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee of Council Meeting

Re: Item 8.5 of the February 20, 2019 Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee of Council Meeting I am writing this email in response to questions about the crosswalk improvements at the intersection of Cabana and Karen made by the City of Windsor. In reviewing the documentation and changes made, observing the crosswalk, and speaking to staff members, parents and crossing guards, I do believe that the changes to the crosswalk have improved the crosswalk situation.

Signage and Lining

Crossing Guards

The addition of a second crossing guard at the crosswalk, in particular, has made a significant difference in terms of safety. With one crossing guard on each side of Cabana Road (North and South), visibility for drivers has increased and the crossing is much safer. In speaking with the crossing guards, they shared that they feel two crossing guards has made a big difference and when asked how crossing students has been going, they shared that things are going "very good" and shared no concerns. The crosswalk was brought up briefly at our January School Council meeting, at which time we discussed that the two crossing guards have been an improvement and that crossing students is very smooth.

Windsor Police Presence

We appreciate the increased Windsor Police presence on Cabana Road. Throughout the week,k, we have Police Officers ticketing motorists in front of our school for speeding, as we do realize that some drivers exceed the speed limit on this stretch of road. That being said, in order to further control traffic on Cabana Road, the City of Windsor may consider an actual stop light at this intersection in the future.

Roseland Staff Input

Our Roseland staff very closely supervise our walkers to the intersection in their orange safety vests. Input from our staff was also positive, as they feel the second crossing guard has made a difference.

John Wolf (recently retired and former Senior Manager, Traffic Operations Parking and Transportation Planning at the City of Windsor) visited Roseland Public School to discuss the crosswalk with me and visit the intersection at dismissal to meet our crossing guards. I was able to fully clarify with Mr. Wolf the improvements that the City of Windsor has made.

With all things considered, we believe that changes made to the intersection of Cabana and Karen have made an improvement and we appreciate that all regulated crosswalk precautions have been taken by the City of Windsor.

Respectfully, J. Woyvon