
Council Report: S 208/2018

Subject: Response to CQ16-2018 Regarding the Sand Base at Willistead Playground


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the report from the Executive Initiatives Coordinator on the procedure and cost of updating the sand base of the playground structure at Willistead Park BE RECEIVED.

Executive Summary:



At the August 27, 2018 City Council Meeting, Councillor Holt registered CQ – 16-2018 which:

Asks that Administration report back to Council on the procedure and cost of updating the sand base of the playground structure in Willistead Park.


The 2015 Council approved "Playground Audit" Report (Livelink #18001), outlined the results of the 2015 audit, recommended options for playground replacements and proposed a schedule for the replacement and life cycle costing based on a 20 year life cycle asset management model. The 2015 Playground Audit Report indicated that the Willistead Park playground is set to be replaced in 2023.