Federal Government. Resolution number CR625/2016 provided the approval to seek a consultant for this review as one of 26 PTIF projects. Transit Windsor awarded a contract to Dillon Consulting to conduct a comprehensive review which was completed over the last 18 months.

The plan is directly informed by the findings from the comprehensive service review and addresses the issues heard from the community through two rounds of engagement as well as those observed through analysis.

Transit Windsor's last Transit Master Plan, The Way Forward, was published more than 10 years ago in 2006. That plan is out of date as many changes have occurred such as the way we communicate, learn, live, and travel has transformed quickly and dramatically. Societal values have shifted towards living in communities that are both environmentally sustainable and healthy. Windsor has changed and strategic plans that made sense for the future when written in 2006 may no longer reflect how the community has evolved in the last decade. For example, the Active Transportation Plan needs to be considered with long-range public transit decisions.

The existing transit services is a downtown focused network in which many routes have low frequencies and are not streamlined across the city. Public transit is a public mobility option that cannot succeed if it fails to meet the needs of the community. The study of travel demands and results of community engagement show that Transit Windsor's network requires strategic changes to better serve the needs of its users.

The Plan is passenger focused rather than route focused. Transit Windsor supports the growth of a liveable and sustainable community by providing a reliable, safe and convenient mobility service option that is accessible to all.

At the November 20, 2019 meeting of the Environment, Transportation and Public Safety Standing Committee, Report S211/2019 titled, Transit Windsor Service Delivery Review, was tabled to provide the Transit Windsor Advisory Committee and the community with an opportunity to comment.


The Transit Master Plan lays out an 8-year roadmap and vision (2021-2028) that has a passenger focus rather than a route focus. In order to re-imagine transit service in Windsor, the comprehensive plan overhauls the culture and structure of Transit Windsor to provide a service to meet the needs of users today and into the future. The Plan is structured with annual reviews that will take into consideration the changing needs as Windsor continues to grow. The potential new hospital and development is a good example of the elasticity that the new Plan provides. The plan's implementation schedule incorporates changes to Transit Windsor's entire system - its network, ridership, policies, objectives, service standards, performance targets, system performance, route performance, organization and staffing levels, fleet and facilities, and transit infrastructure.

The bulk of the capital and operating needs for the plan are related to the route network and garage facility. Transit Windsor currently has 15 routes which include the Tunnel Bus, LaSalle 25 and Leamington 42. The Plan calls for 24 routes ranging from primary,