
Capital Budget Recommendations

Non Discretionary Investments and or Pre-Commitments of Council   These are projects for which the funding source is not City funding, such as grants and or third-party recoveries and therefore is not able to be allocated to other projects. In addition, this includes project funding which has been previously pre-committed by City Council to a specific project and approved for immediate use, thereby restricting the ability to reallocate funding.  

Service Sustainability Investments
These are investments which are consistent with the AMP to address service sustainability investments for existing assets, for which there is no enhancement or growth elements to the project.
Investments with components of both Sustainability and Enhancement  
These are investments which are consistent with the AMP to address service sustainability investments for existing assets and also provide an element of service enhancement and or growth.

Enhanced Services and or Non Infrastructure Investments
These investments result in the creation of new assets or enhanced services for the community as well as investments in non-infrastructure type projects.

Agencies, Boards & Committees (ABC's) Investments
This includes all classification of capital investments in ABC’s.