B 90  
Human Resources
On-Line Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Management System


D 151




A 42

Huron Lodge



B 93
Rerouting Ottawa 4 Bus Route


B 79

Fire & Rescue

Mass Notification System

Total Operating Budget Issues Requiring One-Time Funding $2,788,574

* One-Time Funding of $229,283 to come from the Budget Stabilization Reserve (BSR) and $229,283 to come from the Building Permit Reserve (BSR).

Note: All other one-time funding requirements to come from the Budget Stabilization Reserve (BSR).

Debt Management Update

This recommended budget is consistent with the debt reduction initiatives previously approved by Council. It is important to note the significant progress that has been made on reducing the City's long-term debt. It should be noted that without the Pay-As-You-Go and Debt Reduction Policies, and assuming all the same projects had been undertaken, the current debt level would be well over $500 million compared to the actual $71 million for 2019 (projected to decline to $36 million by 2024). These projections assume the status quo with respect to the issuance of debt and do not take into account any additional debt that could be issued by the various Consolidated City Boards or Corporations. It is noted that the actual tax supported component of the debt has been effectively eliminated by the City with a balance of $4 million for 2019 and falling to zero by 2021. A detailed schedule of the City's long-term debt can be found as Schedule G of the Budget Introduction Section.

2020 - Increasingly Difficult Budgeting

Although not recommended and difficult to achieve without some significant service reductions, Administration has been able to once again provide Council with options that could achieve a zero budget levy increase relative to City Departments, which directly fall under the City's administrative control.

In past years, the city was also able to recommend additional savings brought forward by City Departments in order to offset the increases for those ABC's that were not able to adhere to the general direction to deliver their budget without an increase to the tax levy. This year, similar to 2019, the city department reductions required to continue this practice are not recommended by administration given the severe implications that such offsetting reductions would have relative to risks and service levels. Nonetheless, further reduction options are presented in Section 13: Schedule B – 2020 Operating Budget Summary (Not