
Item No. 10.1

Council Report: C 209/2019

Subject: 2020 Operating Budget Report – City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


Recommendation: That City Council RECEIVE the 2020 recommended budget documents that are reflective of a $4,887,365 increase (or 1.2% increase to the property tax levy) for requirements related to City departments; and,

That City Council CONSIDER a $4,800,000 increase (or 1.2% impact on the property tax levy) to fund the Asset Management Plan (AMP); and,

That City Council CONSIDER a $5,102,349 increase (or 1.2% impact on the property tax levy) in requests from City funded Agencies, Boards and Committees (ABC's); and,

That City Council PROVIDE DIRECTION with respect to whether it wishes to approve further reductions to offset the City Departments' recommended increase and/or the Asset Management Plan (AMP) funding and/or the Agencies, Boards and Committee's requested increases, or whether it wishes to approve additional initiatives that have not been recommended by administration; and,

That contingent upon approval of the 2020 Recommended Budget, one-time funding estimated at $2,788,574 (plus or minus any amounts related to Council changes to the recommended budget) BE APPROVED as funding from the specific Reserve Funds as detailed in this report; and,

That the updated Long Term Debt Forecast (Section G of the Introduction) BE RECEIVED for information; and,

That the 2020 Schedule of Fees detailed in Section 14 of the budget document, Schedule C: 2020 User Fee Schedule, BE APPROVED; and,