The Brownfield Redevelopment CIP provides financial incentives to undertake the necessary studies and remedial work necessary to redevelop brownfield sites and reduce the potential negative impacts to the City's environment and neighbourhoods.

The benefits associated with brownfield redevelopment go far beyond the boundaries of the property. For example, they are often strategically located within existing built up areas of the City where services and other infrastructure, such as roads, schools, community facilities and public transit are already available, therefore additional infrastructure costs are not incurred to service these areas. The redevelopment of these sites also remove the negative stigma often associated with brownfield properties, which increases the value of the subject property and adjacent properties.

Brownfield sites also represent a significant underutilization of the land base. According to the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (2003), every hectare redeveloped through a brownfield project saves up to an estimated 4.5 hectares of greenfield land from being developed (i.e. agricultural land on the edge of the City); and for every dollar invested in a brownfield redevelopment, it is estimated that $3.80 is invested in the economy.

Site Background 

The 0.9 hectare (2.3 acre) site is located at 1200 University Avenue West between Cameron Avenue and Elm Avenue (see Location Map). The property is designated Mixed Use in the Official Plan and zoned Commercial District (CD) 2.2, which permits a range of commercial uses and residential units within a mixed use building.

The property contains two existing buildings: 2,023 square metres (21,780 square feet) and 750 square metres (8,075 square feet) in size, respectively. The property was first developed in approximately 1783 as a horse-drawn passenger carriage operation. SW&A Street Railway (and later Hydro Electric Street Railway) operated at the property from approximately 1890 until 1947 as a trolley car (and bus) storage and maintenance operation.

MG Butler operated a hardware and industrial supply operation at 1220 University Avenue West from approximately 1951 until 2011. The building was renovated between 2012 and 2014 with plans for use as a restaurant and greenhouse, which did not materialize. 1200 University Avenue West was used as a roller skating rink, goods distribution, contractors office, and restaurant between 1949 and 2011. Both buildings are currently vacant. A building formerly located on north part of the property was occupied by manufacturing uses from the 1950s to 1980. It was demolished in 1987.

The property is recognized as a cultural heritage resource and is listed on the Municipal Heritage Registry.