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Omar Abouhussein 581 Elinor st windsor

I'd like to enter into the record that when the development takes place at this land the flooding we experience on my street will increase. Elinor st doesn't have storm sewers therefore the road floods. In the winter the flooding causes ice which breaks up the road further. Before this zoning is approved I'd like to know what's the plan to upgrade the roads and sewers so as to handle the additional water and sewage? Furthermore do they intend to add to the parkland in the area so as to allow for the extra people in the area and flood mitigation? In the past I have reached out to my city councilor and the mayor with regards to the roads to no avail.

Be advised that I will be seeking damages. If these questions go unanswered as has been the case in the past and if situation gets worse as additional homes are added.

If you require further detail you can contact me at 519 992 3576.

Thank you Omar Abouhussein.