The requirements of Engineering & Geomatics, Transportation Planning, ERCA, Canada Post, Utility companies and other agencies and departments, as found in Appendix D, have all been addressed under Recommendation V of this report and will be included in the subdivision agreement as special provisions or are already included in the general provisions of the subdivision agreement.

The School Boards did not respond, but their standard requirements have been noted in the recommendation section of this report.

Parkland Conveyance: The Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and the City's Landscape Architect have provided comments that resulted in the proposed conveyance of Block 35 on the draft Plan of Subdivision to the Corporation, for park purposes as permitted in Section 51.1 of the Planning Act. It is understood that the conveyance of Block 35 exceeds the 5% required by the Planning Act, because Block 35 also serves the following additional purposes:

Species at Risk/ Habitat Protection: In a letter dated November 28, 2019, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH) confirmed that the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry (MNRF) provided comment on the subject development in July 2017 directly to the proponent and that MNRF does not have any concerns with the proposed development at this time.

MMAH also advises that the Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks (MECP) recommends that the City of Windsor consider imposing the following conditions of Draft Approval:

'That the fully executed subdivision agreement between the Owner and the City of Windsor shall contain a provision requiring the Owner to design the subdivision such that the existing perimeter hedgerows are retained, and furthermore, that the shrub thicket to the south will not be disturbed in anyway. These measures to be incorporated for the purpose of "Species at Risk/ Habitat Protection."'

MECP prefers that the City be the clearing agency for the above condition of draft approval priro to final approval.


The City will advertise the official notice in the Windsor Star Newspaper, as mandated by the Planning Act. In addition, the City will mail courtesy notice to all property owners and tenants within 120m (400 feet) of the subject parcel, prior to the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) meeting.

Planner's Conclusion and Opinion:

The applications have been processed and evaluated considering the Provincial Policy Statement, Planning Act, City of Windsor Official Plan policies and comments received from municipal staff and outside agencies.

The applicant's planning consultant's Planning Rationale Report provides sufficient information and supporting reasons why the draft plan of subdivision and the zoning by-law amendment