With respect to 1.1.1(a) – The proposed draft plan of subdivision for development of 19 lots for single detached dwellings and 15 blocks for semi-detached dwellings, promotes a land use pattern that efficiently utilizes the vacant/undeveloped subject land.

With respect to 1.1.1(b) –The surrounding land uses in the subject area comprise a mix of lowdensity residential dwelling (mostly single unit dwellings), vacant/undeveloped lands, and open space lands with multiuse trails and storm water facilities. The proposed low density, small scale, low profile residential development is an appropriate mix of residential use for the subject area.

With respect to 1.1.1(c) – The proposed development does not negatively impact the environment or public health and safety. The proponent submitted an Acoustic Assessment for the proposed residential development. Akoustik Engineering Limited prepared the Acoustic Assessment dated October 10, 2018, which recommended noise barrier fence along Wyandotte Street lot line of the subject land, air conditioning installation requirements and Noise warning clauses to mitigate impact on public health and achieve a healthy and efficient living environment.

With respect to 1.1.1(d) – The proposed residential subdivision is within the inner part of the City of Windsor settlement area and is surrounded by existing developments and other land holdings. Therefore, the proposed development does NOT prevent the efficient expansion of settlement areas.

With respect to 1.1.1(e) – The proposed infill development on the subject land minimizes land consumption and is more cost effective.

With respect to 1.1.1(f) – Sidewalks improve accessibility for persons with disabilities and older persons. As noted in the recommendation section of this report, concrete sidewalk will be provided within the subject draft plan of subdivision to connect to existing sidewalks in the area.

With respect to 1.1.1(g) – As noted in this report under "NEIGHBOURHOOD CHARACTERISTICS", the subject neighbourhood contains existing municipal infrastructure, existing local park(s) with multi-use trails (Ganatchio trail), nearby place of worship. The subject land appears to be within the area serviced by nearby schools.

With respect to 1.1.1(h) – Consideration for climate change is addressed through various methods including lot-grading plans, stormwater management measures, tree planting requirements, landscaping requirements and more. Biodiversity is conserved where necessary/possible, and in areas where soft landscaping is proposed/maintained on the lands. The protection of existing hedgerows and the Archeological Potential Zone (within Block 35) contributes towards conservation of biodiversity.

In summary, the subject applications for draft plan approval and zoning by-law amendment are for an infill development that promotes the efficient use of the existing land pattern and is appropriate for the efficient use of the infrastructure and public services facilities, which are planned or available, and avoids the need for their unjustified and/or uneconomical expansion. The proposed draft plan of subdivision represents an efficient development and land use pattern that will have no adverse impact on (i) the financial well-being of the City of Windsor, (ii) land consumption, and (iii)servicing costs, and will not cause any environmental or public health and safety concerns. The proposed draft plan of subdivision and the requested zoning amendment are consistent with Policy 1.1.1 of the PPS. Settlement areas shall be the focus of growth and development, and their vitality and regeneration shall be promoted.