- The City's records show that there are municipal storm and sanitary sewers within the abutting/nearby roadways, available to service the subject property.
- - Wyandotte Street East R.O.W. contains 1950mm Reinforced Concrete Pipe Storm Sewer;
- - Elinor Street contains 350mm Asbestos Cement Pipe Sanitary Sewer;
- - Florence Avenue (south of the subject development) contains 1500mm Reinforced Concrete Pipe Sanitary Sewer.
- There are municipal watermains, Telecommunications Fibre Optics, LED streetlights and fire hydrants along Wyandotte Street and Florence Avenue (north of proposed development). There is a fire hydrant at the southwest corner of Wyandotte Street east and Florence Avenue intersection.
- There are curbs and gutters, concrete sidewalks and bicycle lanes along both sides of Wyandotte Street pavement.
- Florence Avenue (north of proposed development) has curbs & gutters both sides of the pavement and concrete sidewalk on the west side of the pavement.
- Transit Windsor Buses, Lauzon 10, travel (north bound) through Wyandotte Street East. There is a bus stop on the north side of Wyandotte Street East, west of Florence Street intersection, facing the subject land.
- Wyandotte Street is a Class II Arterial Road, and Florence Street is Class II Collector Road.
1. PLANNING ACT In accordance with subsection 3(5) of the Planning Act, a decision of the council of a municipality in respect of the exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter, "shall be consistent with" Provincial Policy Statement 2014.
According to subsection 3(6) of the Planning Act, comments, submissions or advice that affect a planning matter that are provided by the council of a municipality, a local board, a planning board, a minister or ministry, board, commission or agency of the government "shall be consistent with" Provincial Policy Statement 2014.
Section 51, subsection 24 of the Planning Act provides the criteria for considering a draft plan of subdivision and states:
- "In considering a draft plan of subdivision, regard shall be had, among other matters, to the health, safety, convenience, accessibility for persons with disabilities and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the municipality and to,
- (a) the effect of development of the proposed subdivision on matters of provincial interest as referred to in section 2;
- (b) whether the proposed subdivision is premature or in the public interest;
- (c) whether the plan conforms to the official plan and adjacent plans of subdivision, if any;
- (d) the suitability of the land for the purposes for which it is to be subdivided;..."
The above criteria are integrated into the PPS 2014, Official Plan and Zoning By-law and have been considered in the analysis below.