10.2.19 Open House Policies

The applicant may be required to host an open house as part of a complete application for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Plan of Subdivision or Plan of Condominium and produce a report summarizing the results of the open house. The open house and the report will be provided at the applicant's expense.

PURPOSE The purpose of the open house is to provide opportunity for consultation by the applicant with the area residents/property owners who may be impacted by the proposal before the application is deemed to be complete.

COMPONENTS OF OPEN HOUSE The open house should be held at a location that is accessible to the public and may be accessed by walking, bicycling and public transit and should be located within 1km of the site of the proposed development when practical. The location should be in a structure that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The pre-consultation open house should be comprised of the following components:

REPORT CONTENTS The open house report shall be comprised of the following contents: