Ward 7




CAO 12/2019 Authorization for CAO and City Clerk to sign permits and forms related to the Peche Island Shoreline Erosion Mitigation Financials: N/A Approved Sep 27, 2019 Administrative Matters (delegated by CR232/2012)
CAOP 19/2019 Agreement between City and Front Construction Industries Inc. for the purpose of Rehabilitation of Riverside over Little River Bridge (B72/2018)Type: Request for Tender - #44-19 Financials: upset limit of $864,700 plus HST Approved Jul 4, 2019 Purchasing By-Law
CAO 33/2019 Consent to Enter Agreement between City and Riverside Sportsmen Club for the use of East End Park for overflow parking of non- commercial passenger vehicles for various events during 2019 Term: July 21, 2019 - September 30, 2019 Financial Revenue: N/A Approved Jul 10, 2019 City as Lessor; Grantor; Grantee
CAOP 77/2019 Agreement between City and Ovivo Inc. for the purchase of a motor drive for the primary sludge tank rake arm at the Little River Pollution Control Plant Type: Sole Source - (d v) To ensure compatibility with existing Goods, or to maintain specialized Goods that must be maintained by the manufacturer of those Goods or its representative Financials: $117,322 plus HST Approved Nov 7, 2019 Purchasing By-Law