CAO 51/2019 Encroachment Agreement between City and property owner of 531 Pelissier St. to permit a canopy encroachment into the Pelissier St. right-of-way Financial Revenue: $977.25 Approved Jul 30, 2019 Administrative Matters (formerly CR1413/87)
CAO 55/2019 Diversity Tour 2019 July 27 & 28, 2019 Riverfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic Terrace Hosted by Moksha Canada Foundation Inclusive of Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Objection Financial Revenue: $4,230 Approved Jul 22, 2019 Special Events at City Facilities and Parks
CAO 61/2019 Forks and Barrels Fest August 23-25, 2019Riverfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic TerraceHosted by Forks and Barrels Ltd. Inclusive of Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Objection (CR145/2019) Financial Revenue: $6,065 Approved Aug 6, 2019 Special Events at City Facilities and Parks
CAOP 64/2019 Agreement between City and Adias Impex Ltd. O/A Carpet Plus for the purpose of replacing the carpet on the 6th floor of 200 Chatham St. E. (Windsor Justice Facility) Type: Request for Tender - #126-19 Financials: $124,881 plus HST Approved Oct 11, 2019 Purchasing By-Law
CAOP 67/2019 Amendment to Agreement between City and TCI Titan Contracting Inc. to remove and replace the adjoining concrete sidewalk and to remove and reinforce steel in curbs and the addition of reinforcing dowels for the purpose of parking garage expansion joint repairs at 400 City Hall Square E. (B8/2019) Type: Request for Tender - #59-19 Financials: $47,482.60 plus HST (for a revised upset limit of $169,489.87 plus HST for this project) Approved Oct 11, 2019 Purchasing By-Law