
Item No. 7.4

Council Report: CM 5/2020

Subject: Compliance with Applicable Laws & Regulations, 2019 Q4 City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION the Status Report on Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations, 2019 Q4

Executive Summary:



Administration reports quarterly on the status of compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


Departments/divisions were asked to verify compliance by using the Microsoft Outlook voting feature by selecting statements indicating either compliance or non-compliance. Additionally, department/division heads were asked to indicate if any items should be added to or deleted from the listing. If an item was not in compliance, the department/division was instructed to provide a description of the implications associated with not meeting the required deadline.

Appendix A is a listing of items identified by administration that require compliance with applicable laws and regulations / inquiries received from government agencies as of December 31, 2019. Email confirmations of compliance were received from departments as outlined above.

As of December 31, 2019, administration confirms that it is in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and inquiries received from government agencies.