Priority: A financially sustainable municipal infrastructure management plan.
Goal: Reduce the infrastructure funding deficit and expand the infrastructure management plan.
- Objectives:
- • Establish a strategic asset management policy to guide the current infrastructure plan
- • Complete a development charges study to identify 10-year growth impacts on infrastructure and ensure that growth contributes corresponding funding
- • Implement a water and wastewater utilities 10-year financial plan and rate study
- • Introduce asset management planning software, integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS), work orders, permitting and budgeting capabilities for coordination among all departments
- • Identify current levels of service and associated costs to maintain infrastructure, in accordance with emerging Provincial regulation
- • Dedicate funds annually from net growth in tax base to increase infrastructure funding in order to continue progress towards reducing the infrastructure deficit
Priority: Waterfront and riverwalk development and enhancements.
Goal: Enhance quality of life for our residents, protect heritage and natural resources, and attract investment and visitors, resulting in increased economic growth.
- Objectives:
- • Appoint a working group to shape the vision, goals, objectives, and design of a waterfront and riverwalk plan
- • Develop an updated comprehensive waterfront/riverwalk master plan supported by implementation strategies
- • Develop a waterfront investment attraction package and supporting financial plan that is commercially sustainable and demonstrates a return on the Municipality's investment
- • Continue to facilitate the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) clean-up project and plan and prepare for the future use of remediated public sites