This is the place where the world's entertainment, fashion, tech, and action sports capitals launch global trends. It's the land of opportunity, entrepreneurship, and innovation and the home of Los Angeles, named "The Most Fashionable City in the U.S." by Harper's Bazaar. This is where it all begins.

Skateboards, Barbie dolls, Apple computers, Disneyland, blue jeans, wetsuits, and Vans originated in California.
Many of the world's premium denim brands are based in California, including J. Brand, Levi's, Citizens of Humanity, Paige, Frame, AG Jeans, and DLSTD.
Red carpet events like the Emmy Awards® and the Academy Awards® as well as the world premieres of blockbuster films give luxury labels and indie dress designers alike global reach and all-star clientele.
Companies headquartered in California include: Disney, Warner Bros., Netflix, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, Blizzard, Hulu, Bliss, Forever 21, Pixar, Smashbox, Lucky Brand, TOMS, Patagonia, Vans, PacSun, and hundreds more….