FIDM's eLearning Program ensures that students' educational experience can take place almost anywhere in the world. The online courses are set up to specifically model what it's like to attend a class on campus. eLearning students are granted the same quality education as students on campus and have immediate access to valuable campus resources, including the FIDM Library, Career Center Advisors, and enthusiastic, knowledgeable instructors.
A World of Possibilities We've made it easy for our students to communicate and collaborate with their classmates and instructors. As eLearning participants, they are part of a vibrant online community of educators and students.
Our selection of eLearning courses grows each FIDM offers educational opportunities through distance education. Colleges offering the opportunity to take classes outside of their state must be authorized, or exempt from authorization for each state in which they offer those courses. No assumptions of availability should be made on the part of the student until checking with FIDM's Admissions or Student Advisement Departments. quarter. The Merchandising & Marketing Professional Designation Program (Merchandising & Buying option) can be taken entirely online. FIDM Graduates are also eligible to apply to continue their studies in the Bachelor of Science in Business Management program completely online. Various courses in the MBA, B.A. and B.S. programs may be taken online. To find out if you qualify as a candidate for the programs, contact an Admissions Advisor (for incoming students) or a Student Advisor (for continuing students).
FIDM offers educational opportunities through distance education. Colleges offering the opportunity to take classes outside of their state must be authorized, or exempt from authorization for each state in which they offer those courses. No assumptions of availability should be made on the part of the student until checking with FIDM's Admissions or Student Advisement Departments.