The Abilitations ShapeShifter, Assorted Colors, Set of 6 is a physical therapy product designed for children to express their individual creativity. Students can explore the world of space and shape creation, by stretching, twisting, bending, twirling and knotting their ShapeShifters. These stretch bands are a fun way to encourage creativity and physical activity. Set includes 6 ShapeShifters in assorted colors.
ABILITATIONS/SPORTIME INTERNATIONAL PO Box 922668 Norcross, GA 30010 Phone: 800-850-8602 Fax: 800-845-1535 or 770-263-0897 Web: abilitations.com Email: customer.service@sportime.com

Emotions Sparkle Putty is therapy putty designed for individuals ages 3 and up with sensory processing disorder, Autism and emotional disabilities to give them a way to build hand strength and fine motor muscles. Children can use with the 123 ABC Putty Mats to mold letters and numbers. Safetytested and CPSIA compliant. Weight: 3 ounces. Material: Silicone. Gluten, casein, latex and soy free. Color: sea green with glitter.
FUN AND FUNCTION PO Box 11 Merion Station, PA 19066 Phone: 800-231-6329 Fax: 866-343-6863

The Cramer Rainbow Ribbon Wands with Sound, Set of 6 is a therapeutic product designed for those individuals with sensory processing disorder to teach gymnastics and encourage movement education. Ideal for movement education and rhythmic gymnastics. The 8-inch wands feature end caps that improve grip and 24inch beautiful, multi-colored ribbons. Set includes six rainbow ribbon wands with sound. Sized so they can easily be held by preschoolers to senior citizens. Good addition to any music/percussion dance movement and special education program.
SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. W6316 Design Drive Greenville, WI 54942 Phone: 888- 388-3224 Fax: 800-513-2467 Web: schoolspecialty.com Email: customercare@schoolspecialty.com

Educational Advantage Small Fishing AZ, Set of 29 is an educational toy designed for children ages three and up to improve motor skills and eye hand coordination while learning the alphabet. These compact fish float in water and are good for tabletop or sand and water use. Up to 2 players hook the fish with their fishing rods. There are 26 brightly colored lowercase alphabet fish, two fishing rods, and a net bag for storage. rods. There are 26 brightly colored lowercase alphabet fish, two fishing rods, and a net bag for storage.
EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGE 1850 Sidewinder Drive Suite 310 Park City, UT 84060 Phone: 435-649-3933 Fax: 435-214-7671

ABC 123 Spunky is an animated plush dog that makes learning fun. This dog repeats several useful phrases. Activate the switch attached to the left foot to sing a counting song and the switch attached to the right foot to sing an alphabet song. This toy is permanently adapted and requires two switches (not included) and 3 AA batteries.
ABLENET 2808 Fairview Avenue North Roseville, MN 55113 Phone: 800-322-0956 Fax: 651-294-2259 Web: ablenetinc.com Email: customerservice@ablenetinc.com

The Weighted Universal Grip/Holder provides a means to hold a wide variety of writing or marking devices for individuals with Parkinson's disease or ataxia. The weighted grip helps users stabilize their hands, and feature plastic contoured handles for improved grasp and control. Can be used with pens, pencils, markers, paintbrushes, crayons, toothbrushes, etc. (not included). Available in pediatric and adult model. Available in two models: pediatric model and adult model. Choice of plastic handle or metal handle.
ESPECIAL NEEDS 1850 Borman Court St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone: 877-664-4565 Fax: 800-664-4534 Web: especialneeds.com

These Sensory Mini Mats are sensory integration tools designed for sensory seekers of all ages to provide a non-threatening interaction for tactile defensiveness and to engage children to touch and describe textures. Feels like grass, glitter, sandpiper, plush, snakeskin and carpet. The user can place these on the floor as sensory steps for activities, or hang on the wall for tactile exploration. Use with adult supervision. Design features metal grommets for hanging. Surface wash. Each tile is 10 inches x 8 inches. The pack of six tiles weighs 12 ounces. Material: Textured polyester.
FUN AND FUNCTION PO Box 11 Merion Station, PA 19066 Phone: 800-231-6329 Fax: 866-343-6863